A game about a kingdom of quantum frogs in a pond.

This game utilizes phenomena studied in quantum physics, such as entanglement, measurement and decoherence. The characters here represent the elements needed to get an entangled state, and the aim of the game is to achieve the highest number N of entangled states (regarding a N-GHZ state) possible.

CONTROLS: Move the mouse to move the Crown and use the scroll wheel to rotate it.

AIM: Capture the Qfrogs by entangling them with the magic Crown. Reach as many Qfrogs as you can so the commmotion is  large enough that the princess hears of it.

AVOID: Avoid the mosquitoes of decoherence, they distract the frogs from the crown!

Never get hit by the ever watching eyes of the measurement owl or all hope is lost.



Istudor Denis https://randomvideos.itch.io/

Quantum physics

Damián Muñoz

Clemens Lindner

Artwork and assets

Naziba Tasnim https://naziba-tasnim.itch.io/


Mira Oja https://mirathael.itch.io/


Filip Kariloski


qfrog windows.zip 35 MB

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